Hope for grievers who want to live fully after loss.

It is possible to feel happy again, Live a Fullfilling life, and be proud of who you’ve become.

I can teach you how.

Hope for grievers who want to live fully after loss.

It is possible to feel happy again, live a fullfilling life, and be proud of who you've become.

Let me teach you how


Wanting more to life than pain after loss, but not sure how it's possible?

You might recognize this...

People keep telling you to give it time 

Loving life again feels like forgetting your loved one 

You want to believe happiness can return

But how much time? Forever? You want to know what to DO, not just wait.

But you don't want to have to be miserable to prove your love.

But it's hard to imagine without your loved one.

When both of my baby daughters died within six days of each other in 2008, I quickly realized that grief is one of the most misunderstood experiences in our culture. Society offers little guidance on how to truly heal after loss.

As I wrestled with my pain—overwhelmed by grief, exhausted from hurting, and frustrated by therapy and support groups that didn’t help much at all—I decided to take matters into my own hands. I refused to accept that the pain and emptiness of grief had to be permanent, and I set out to carve my own path to healing.

And I was right. Healing is possible after loss, and I discovered how to nurture it in my own heart and life. The skills, tools, and insights that led me to healing—the ones you won’t find in traditional therapy or mainstream advice—are now available to you. None of us have to endure years of struggle, trial, and error to find relief and that includes you.

If I wasn't living proof, I probably wouldn't believe it's possible.

 Can you relate to these Confusing grief experiences?

You've been told you are not alone but you sure feel alone. The people you thought would show up for you didn't and you feel like a burden to those who have been there for you.

You've been told the first year is the hardest but it seems to be getting harder, not easier, making it seemingly impossible to know what to expect or what to do.

You've been told to stay positive and practice gratitude like it's some magic cure for grief but that advice only feels invalidating, placating, and makes you want to scream.

You've been told to journal and exercise for relief, but with what energy? You are exhausted in a way you've never been before and feel worried that you'll never fully recover.

With so many mixed messages, it's hard to know what to do or what to expect. If you feel confused, it's not your fault.

What you need isn't more time - it's a road map and the right tools. 

I lost my daughter at 39.5 weeks to stillbirth after a healthy pregnancy. I was lost, in pain, and felt hopeless. I had no direction and was physically suffering from the grief. Rachel's compassionate approach and practical tools provided me with the support I needed to navigate my emotions and start healing. She gave me a safe space to speak openly without judgment and provided essential protocols to care for myself during tough times. Thanks to Rachel, I now feel filled with hope and understand that my life isn't dictated by grief. I’m not sure where I’d be without Rachel’s guidance. If you have suffered loss, Rachel’s program is invaluable. It offers the support and tools you need to find hope and start healing.

I lost my daughter at 39.5 weeks to stillbirth after a healthy pregnancy. I was lost, in pain, and felt hopeless. I had no direction and was physically suffering from the grief. Rachel's compassionate approach and practical tools provided me with the support I needed to navigate my emotions and start healing. She gave me a safe space to speak openly without judgment and provided essential protocols to care for myself during tough times. Thanks to Rachel, I now feel filled with hope and understand that my life isn't dictated by grief. I’m not sure where I’d be without Rachel’s guidance. If you have suffered loss, Rachel’s program is invaluable. It offers the support and tools you need to find hope and start healing.

I lost my 30-year-old son in a tragic accident. I was overwhelmed with sadness and had no idea how to move forward. Rachel's structured, step-by-step approach helped me navigate my grief. She provided the support and validation I needed. I now feel hopeful and see the possibility of a future. Rachel's program made me realize that life after a devastating loss is possible. If you’re facing a tragic loss, Rachel’s program is life-changing.

I lost my 30-year-old son in a tragic accident. I was overwhelmed with sadness and had no idea how to move forward. Rachel's structured, step-by-step approach helped me navigate my grief. She provided the support and validation I needed. I now feel hopeful and see the possibility of a future. Rachel's program made me realize that life after a devastating loss is possible. If you’re facing a tragic loss, Rachel’s program is life-changing.

From Tragedy To Transformation:
Rachel Showed Me Life After Loss

Finding Hope After Loss:
Rachel’s Program Transformed My Grief


"Rachel is amazing to work with.She is real and compassionate and wise. And listens."

"Rachel is amazing to work with.She is real and compassionate and wise. And listens."

I lost my wife of 47 years, leaving me heartbroken and lost. I felt like a part of me died with her. I didn’t think I could ever feel happiness again. Rachel’s encouraging words and practical tools helped me redirect my thoughts and regain control over my grief. She provided warm, intelligent guidance and shared moments of laughter, making the healing process more bearable. I now feel healthier, happier, and grateful. Rachel taught me that I have power over my grief and can find joy in life again. If you’re struggling with loss, Rachel’s program offers invaluable support and practical solutions to help you heal and find happiness.

I lost my wife of 47 years, leaving me heartbroken and lost. I felt like a part of me died with her. I didn’t think I could ever feel happiness again. Rachel’s encouraging words and practical tools helped me redirect my thoughts and regain control over my grief. She provided warm, intelligent guidance and shared moments of laughter, making the healing process more bearable. I now feel healthier, happier, and grateful. Rachel taught me that I have power over my grief and can find joy in life again. If you’re struggling with loss, Rachel’s program offers invaluable support and practical solutions to help you heal and find happiness.

My husband passed away after a 6-year battle with CNS Lymphoma, leaving me exhausted and overwhelmed. I felt lost and unsure how to proceed with life after his death. The pain was overwhelming, and I struggled to find direction. Rachel’s thoughtful and paced approach provided the support and tools I needed to navigate my grief and start healing. Her program emphasized the importance of asking for help, setting boundaries, and discovering new tools to cope with grief. I now see light on the horizon and feel optimistic about living a purposeful life while honoring my husband’s memory. Rachel’s support has been crucial in my healing journey. If you’ve experienced a significant loss, Rachel’s program offers comprehensive support and practical tools to help you navigate your grief and find new meaning in life.

My husband passed away after a 6-year battle with CNS Lymphoma, leaving me exhausted and overwhelmed. I felt lost and unsure how to proceed with life after his death. The pain was overwhelming, and I struggled to find direction. Rachel’s thoughtful and paced approach provided the support and tools I needed to navigate my grief and start healing. Her program emphasized the importance of asking for help, setting boundaries, and discovering new tools to cope with grief. I now see light on the horizon and feel optimistic about living a purposeful life while honoring my husband’s memory. Rachel’s support has been crucial in my healing journey. If you’ve experienced a significant loss, Rachel’s program offers comprehensive support and practical tools to help you navigate your grief and find new meaning in life.

Rediscovering Joy: Rachel’s Program Helped Me Overcome Heartbreak

Transformative Grief Support: Rachel’s Program Guided Me to a Purposeful Life

"Literally could not have done any of this without you, Rachel. Thank you for everythign you've done for me and my family."

After experiencing numerous intangible losses, including dreams, purpose, and spiritual independence, I sought Rachel's help. I came to her feeling anxious, overwhelmed, and scared about facing my deep hurts and losses desperate for relief and understanding. Rachel provided a non-judgmental space where I felt validated. Her thoughtful tools and encouragement were crucial in helping me address my grief. Rachel's program allowed me to share my story openly, receive validation, and gain practical tools to move forward. I now feel confident and free to explore a new version of myself. Rachel's guidance transformed my grief into a source of empowerment. If you're struggling with loss, Rachel’s program offers the support and practical tools you need to heal and rediscover yourself.

After experiencing numerous intangible losses, including dreams, purpose, and spiritual independence, I sought Rachel's help. I came to her feeling anxious, overwhelmed, and scared about facing my deep hurts and losses desperate for relief and understanding. Rachel provided a non-judgmental space where I felt validated. Her thoughtful tools and encouragement were crucial in helping me address my grief. Rachel's program allowed me to share my story openly, receive validation, and gain practical tools to move forward. I now feel confident and free to explore a new version of myself. Rachel's guidance transformed my grief into a source of empowerment. If you're struggling with loss, Rachel’s program offers the support and practical tools you need to heal and rediscover yourself.

I lost my mom and was devastated by her absence in my life. I felt lost and unsure of what to do or say. My heart was broken, and I didn’t know how to move forward. The more I talked with Rachel, the more things started to make sense. Her understanding of grief and her supportive nature were exactly what I needed. Rachel was my cheerleader, providing the encouragement I needed after losing my lifelong support system. She helped me feel more equipped to handle my emotions. While I still have sad days, I now feel in charge of my grief rather than being controlled by it. Rachel’s guidance has made a significant difference in my healing process. If you’ve lost a loved one, Rachel’s program offers the support and understanding you need to reclaim control over your grief and begin healing. Thank you, Rachel ♥️

I lost my mom and was devastated by her absence in my life. I felt lost and unsure of what to do or say. My heart was broken, and I didn’t know how to move forward. The more I talked with Rachel, the more things started to make sense. Her understanding of grief and her supportive nature were exactly what I needed. Rachel was my cheerleader, providing the encouragement I needed after losing my lifelong support system. She helped me feel more equipped to handle my emotions. While I still have sad days, I now feel in charge of my grief rather than being controlled by it. Rachel’s guidance has made a significant difference in my healing process. If you’ve lost a loved one, Rachel’s program offers the support and understanding you need to reclaim control over your grief and begin healing. Thank you, Rachel ♥️

Reclaiming Control: Rachel Helped Me Navigate the Loss of My Mom

Empowered Healing: Rachel’s Program Helped Me Rediscover Myself

Start living fully after loss NOW.

It's easy to get started on your path to a fullfilling life...

It takes 3 steps:

1. Book a Call with me - it's Free

2. On that call we'll determine your personalized grief plan

3. Then, we'll get you on my calendar for our first session

I'm ready! Book my call.