Work with me 1:1 to get real support and a roadmap to heal emotionally and physically after loss.

The Holistic Grief Recovery Protocol

Heal and thrive again, not just cope and survive. after loss.


Get clarity from misinformation and eliminate confusion.


Support your emotional and physical health during a season of grief.


Feel validated, hopeful, and no longer alone in your pain.


Imagine if you could

I have spent over a decade learning what actually helps grievers heal. I know this way works because it healed my heart after loss and has also helped hundreds of my clients heal too. You don't have to stay in pain. I can show you how to break the grip of grief.

You are not the only one who doesn't know where to begin after loss. The best decision you can make right now is to ask for help - the right kind of help. The truth is, traditional therapy doesn't work for grief. That's why I created a better way for you to heal after loss.

Are you tired of hurting? Do you want to heal after loss but don't know how? Have you tried traditional therapy and it didn't help? Then, the Holistic Grief Recovery Protocol is exactly what you need.

More than talk therapy - practical and actionable skills, tools, and guidance so you know exactly what to do.

Instant comfort and relief - no longer be controlled by your grief.

Restored physical health - grief isn't just emotional, it's physical too.

There is a way through your pain to the healing that is possible after loss. The pain of grief does not have to be forever. No matter where you are in your grief journey, you will gain life-changing value from this one-of-a-kind program created specifically to support you physically and emotionally through grief. You'll experience...

Guided, personalized, and Holistic support to help you break the grip of grief

The holistic Grief
Recovery Protocol


You'll learn practical and tangible skills that help you continue to cultivate and maintain healing in your heart and life even after the program is over.

Healing that lasts

Because loss effects your mind, body, soul, and relationships, a holistic approach is the most effective way to achieve healing.

Holistic and Effective

I take into consideration your unique personality, history, circumstances, and type of loss to create the best plan for you and your heart.

Personalized Guidance

Traditional 40 minute session don't allow enough time to get in the flow. 60 minute sessions allow more attention, and progress.

Longer sessions

You want to grieve forever

You want to navigate loss all alone

You want to remain exhausted and depleted

You want to stay stuck in your pain

it's not for you if...

You want healing that lasts a lifetime

You want to know exactly what to do

You want to restore your emotional well-being

You want support your physical health

it's for you if...

Via phone or zoom

1-on-1 Support

the details

Still curious?

When my baby daughters died in 2008 I learned that grief is a drastically misunderstood experience and our culture knows very little about what to do after loss.

As I struggled through my pain - overwhelmed by grief, tired of hurting, and sick of therapy and support groups that didn't help, I decided to go rogue. I refused to accept that the pain of grief was forever and set out to forge my own destiny.

It turns out my instincts were right. Healing is possible after loss and I figured out how to cultivate it in my own heart and life. The skills, tools, and insights I learned that make healing possible - the ones not taught in traditional therapy or in our current culture - are now available to you without years of struggle, trial, and error.

Don't believe the lie that the pain of grief is forever. Healing is possible after loss and I can show you how. All you have to do is set up a call with me and I'll do the rest. 

So, what are you waiting for? Hope is only one call away!

Rachel Tenpenny McGonigle


The Program

Validation for your courage and honesty

A judgement-free safe space to share your feelings

100% confidentiality guaranteed

As much time as you need to tell your whole story

The program begins by telling your story. Take as much time as you need to share everything you want me to know about your loss. Understanding your story is essential to creating the most effective support plan for you. You'll get...

Tell your story

SEssion 1-2

Healing recipes and supplements

A restorative diet/exercise plan

How to navigate different self-care seasons

Giving yourself permission to self-care

Holistic healing plans leave nothing out. I'll help you develop a protocol for self-care - nutrition, rest, and exercise - to support your well-being and strengthen you emotionally and physically for the healing road ahead. We'll discuss...

Support your healing 

sessions 3-4

Why your feelings are where you begin, not where you end

How to restore and protect your emotional energy

How to figure out what you need, not just how you feel

Why understanding yourself first fosters healing

Healing starts with your identity, not your loss. We will dive deep into discovering who you are and how your life has shaped your grief filter to cultivate a support plan that meets all your needs.  I'll explain...

Cultivate Self-Awareness 

Session 5-7

Create a life-after-loss map to navigate healing for life

Express your heart in words, written and spoken

Identify anything unsaid

Examine your relationship with your loss

With a support system in place and a better understanding of who you are and what you need, you'll be ready to examine your loss, articulate your heart, and lift the burden of all that is left unsaid. We will...

Give Your Heart a Voice

Sessions 9-12

I know how much courage it takes to reach out for support after loss. That is why I guarantee a call with me will provide you with real encouragement during this difficult season and instant healing tools sent straight to your inbox the minute our call ends, no matter how you decide to move forward. Your heart matters to me and I'd never leave you empty handed during such a difficult time. So book your encouragement call today. Support is waiting.

no obligation guarantee

take advantage of my

Set Up Your Call NOW!

In their own words...


J. M. -Fayettville, NC

Rachel was instrumental in providing me with tools and resources I greatly needed during some of the darkest seasons of my life. Her compassion, encouragement, and knowledge regarding emotional health and grief resilience changed me. She helped me find the strength and courage to move forward and work through the pain. Rachel also helped me change my mindset about the role of food and nutrition in self-care. 

I am forever thankful for her help and counsel.

D. J. - San diego, ca

Rachel has been refined by fire. She has walked through the most painful of circumstances, more than once. She has compassion, empathy, and strength that have come from living and healing through loss. Rachel has talked with me through several life situations and losses. I also deal with depression and she has shown me hope even in the darkest moments.

God has given her a gift in helping people heal. 

J. C. -Ojai, CA

I am thankful for the emotional support and guidance Rachel offered me after my husband had an affair and left. My pain was deep and at times seemed unbearable. I am feeling better, stronger, and more powerful. The nutritional supplements and teas she suggested helped me significantly. With time, and Rachel’s warm heart and help, I am hopeful I will feel whole again.       

What I appreciate most is her multifaceted approach.

It is deeply painful to watch someone you love hurting, especially when you are unsure how to help them. I can give you the tools and insights you need to be a better support to a hurting loved one. If you work with hurting people regularly in your job or organization, my program and courses can help you to acquire the skills you need to turn your good intentions into effective care and comfort.

I'm not grieving, but someone I love is, can you help me help them?

Loss comes in many forms. If your heart is hurting for any reason - traditional or untraditional, tangible or intangible, present or past, simple or complex - I can help you. You don't have to have a so called traditional loss to work with me. If you are carrying around unresolved pain for any reason, I can equip you to heal your heart and support you every step of the way.

My Loss isn't a death or Divorce, can I still work with you? 

Much of the information available about healing after loss is inconsistent, antiquated, and down right incorrect. I've spent more than a quarter of my life seeking out the truth about what heals to offer support, tools, and a plan instead of unhelpful talk therapy or generic and vague advice.

How is what you teach different?

I am not a therapist. I'm an educator and mentor who applied more than a decade of personal healing experience after the deaths of my baby daughters in 2008 to guide others through loss to healing. My highly effective programs, courses, and retreats are the result of years of learning and practicing what works to heal after loss and seeing it work for others too!

Are you a liscensed therapist?

Frequently Asked Questions